[horde] Initial Authentication Problem?

Guil Barros listmail at metathusalan.com
Sun Feb 1 09:43:30 PST 2004

Hi there,

i decided to install another instance of horde on a separate machine, so went
ahead and grabbed horde & framework from cvs, setup psql, configed it,
installed the framework, and added in the tables...

all the tests look a-ok but i get this:

Feb 01 12:39:56 HORDE [error] [horde] FAILED LOGIN for admin [] to
Horde [on line 90 of "/usr/local/horde/login.php"]
Feb 01 12:39:57 HORDE [debug] [] User  does not have READ permission for horde
[on line 637 of "/usr/local/horde/lib/Registry.php"]

i turned up the logging on psql and it shows the select on the table:
Feb  1 12:39:56 flump postgres[7543]: [4] LOG:  query: SELECT user_pass FROM
horde_users WHERE user_uid = 'admin'

and if i login as horde to the db i can get the hash with no problems.

any ideas on what may be going on?

this is running on linux btw...


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