[horde] horde framework

gmk at gmx.at gmk at gmx.at
Mon Feb 9 23:12:35 PST 2004

hello all,

i'am trying to us the horde cvs on an apache - windows - Microsoft SQL 

I 've problems to get the system work.

Initial pages are working properly, but some sites and pages don't work.

x) when i use Admin - users no page is shown (no error message)

x) when i use Admin - groups i get the screen for adding the gourp and
members, but when i click on save a blank page is the result

x) when i try to administrate (create) permissions i get 2 messages for
    "'giapeto' was added to the permissions system."
    "Attempt to edit a non-existent permission."

may someone can give me a hint?

kind regards, mieke

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