[horde] Adventures in Horde HEAD

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sun Feb 29 17:54:50 PST 2004

Quoting Steven Stern <subscribed-lists at sterndata.com>:

> I created a file test.php and ran it from the command line. It ran. So, could
> something else be going on?

The CGI version will run on the command line, but it's not a CLI, and 
because of
that it doesn't have some command line features that we use to detect command
line vs. web for security purposes.

> [root at ciscy root]# php test.php
> Content-type: text/html
> X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.4

These headers are the proof.

I don't know Fedora at all, sorry.


"Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez

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