Fwd: [horde] Horde Preferences in LDAP

Edwin Culp eculp at viviendaatualcance.com.mx
Mon Mar 8 06:25:20 PST 2004

Quoting hs at iunds.com:

> Quoting Edwin Culp <eculp at viviendaatualcance.com.mx>:
>> Not very scientific but I would probably do a quick
>> egrep -ir 'admin=misterx at ssos.local' in the horde/config
>> directory and maybe even from the horde directory if I
>> didn't get a hit.  It has to be there somewhere, IMO.
>> When you find it just fix it and everything should work.
>> I've been using ldap prefs for a loooong time with no
>> problems.
> There's no such string in the horde directory. It is assigned,
> when I log in as "misterx". When I log in as "another user", the
> string changes to "admin=anotheruser at ssos.local,dc=ssos,dc=local".
> So it must be defined wrong somehow in my /horde/lib/prefs/ldap.php.

Hmmm...  It would be neat, if it was what you wanted:-)

What does your admin configuration look like?  It is the
only place that I can think of that assigns

  $conf['auth']['admins'] = array('admin',
'eculp at viviendaatualcance.com.mx' );

I have no idea how that could cause the problem.  Be sure
that a

# php -l horde/conf.php

returns a

No syntax errors detected in conf.php

Other than that I still feel that the problem is in conf.php
but I have no idea where.  If you want send me your
conf.php but without the comments.  I attached a simple sed
script to remove them and the empty lines if you want to
use it.

# cd horde/config
# sh oneliner.txt > file-to-attach.txt

Good luck,


-------------- next part --------------
sed 's/^[ 	]*[/|*].*//;/^[ 	]*$/d' conf.php

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