[horde] corrupted process name in syslog

jlewis at lewis.org jlewis at lewis.org
Mon Mar 8 07:07:21 PST 2004

Has anyone ever seen horde syslog with the process name corrupted?

I'm seeing things like:

Mar  8 10:01:13 webmail 0[11383]: PHP Notice:  unserialize() failed at
offset 0 of 33 bytes in /usr/local/horde-2.2.4/lib/Auth.php on line 250
Mar  8 10:01:37 webmail <[11507]: PHP Notice:  unserialize() failed at
offset 0 of 37 bytes in /usr/local/horde-2.2.4/lib/Auth.php on line 250
Mar  8 10:01:47 webmail idden" name="start" value="1" /> <input
type="hidden" name="targetMbox" value="" /> <input type="hidden"
name="index" value="9" /> <input type="hidden" name="actionID" value="" />
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center"
width="100%"> <tr>     <td align="left" class="header">     INBOX:

Occasionally, it does log with a process name of HORDE.  This is a system
someone else setup and I'm just trying to troubleshoot.  It's horde-2.2.4
on Red Hat 8.0.  I have at least verified that other than /config/ files,
this installation of horde has not been altered from the 2.2.4 code.

 Jon Lewis *jlewis at lewis.org*|  I route
 Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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