[horde] Horde 2.2.5: Invalid session key for bottom menu links

Brian Stearns thppt at chiastic.net
Fri Mar 12 20:13:05 PST 2004

I just upgraded to Horde 2.2.5/IMP 3.2.3 from Horde 2.2.3/IMP 3.2.3, and I'm
having an interesting:

Clicking on any button on the bottom menu gives a login screen instead of the
intended application.

I didn't change a THING in my configuration files, and did as exhaustive a
comparison as I could from 2.2.3 to 2.2.5 as to whether there were any new
options I needed to take into account.  I'm using IMP as the primary login
mechanism via IMAP, with MySQL for preferences.

Interestingly (from, I think, a smoking gun perspective), while clicking on the
Addressbook (Turba) icon in the bottom menu takes me to the login screen,
clicking on the Addressbook icon in the top IMP menu succeeds.  And comparing
the URLs for the two icons reveals that while the session ID within the URL for
the top menu icon is valid (there is a corresponding file in /tmp) the session
ID for the lower menu icon is NOT valid (there is NO corresponding file in

Any light that anyone can shed on this dilemma would be greatly appreciated. 
Please let me know if any other information is required, I'll post whatever
anyone would potentially find useful.

Thanks in advance,


Brian Stearns (thppt at chiastic.net) http://chiastic.net/~thppt/

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