[horde] Logging in as Admin

John Peters om_242 at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 16 14:05:16 PST 2004

I've looked everywhere and I cant find a thorough explanation of this
concept.  In some of the projects (Rakim, Jonah), it states the following:

"  You must login to Horde as a Horde Administrator to finish the
   configuring of Rakim.  Use the Horde "Administration" menu item to get
   to the Administration page, and then click on the "Configuration"
   icon to get the Configuration page.  Select "Tasks" from the selection
   list of applications, and click on the "Configure" button.  Fill in or
   change any configuration values as needed.  When done click on "Generate
   Tasks Configuration" to generate the conf.php file.  If your web server
   doesn't have write permissions to the Rakim configuration directory or
   file, it will not be able to write the file.  In this case, cut and
   paste the returned configuration information into the file

This makes absolutely no sense to me.   I didnt even know of an
'Administration' screen when I (successfully) installed Horde *and*

So, I did some googling, found a few other people with this exact same
problem,  and found snippets of what seems to be the answer.

Here's an example of one of these snippets found on this page
>From horde/config/conf.php.dist:

// Which users should be treated as administrators (root, super-user)
// by Horde? Example: $conf['auth']['admins'] = array('admin', 'john');
$conf['auth']['admins'] = array();



Ok, well, there is no 'conf.php' file in my horde distrobution.  I'm using
Horde 2.2.5, downloaded directly from the web site.  No CVS version.  The
'stable' one.

I did a grep on all files in the horde directory and found nothign that even
talked about adding administrators.

Can someone toss me a bone?  I've been searching for this 'Administration'
page, or at least some hints as to where it might be, and am comming up
totally empty handed.

I've never used Horde before this 2.2.5 (this week) so was this Admin Panel
in an earlier version?  Do the CVS versions of Rakim (which I've tried) and
Jonah (again, CVS version of this) no longer work with Horde 2.2.5 since the
docs/INSTALL state explicitly to go into the 'Administrators Panel'?

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