[horde] Re: Horde snapshot of 3/4/2004 not recognizing me as "admin"

Greg Earle earle at isolar.DynDNS.ORG
Thu Mar 18 08:44:15 PST 2004

On Mar 18, 2004, at 10:51 AM, Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Greg Earle <earle at isolar.DynDNS.ORG>:
>> Everything's working great, except for one little thing.  When I
>> log in (I've got it set up to automatically forward/put me into IMP),
>> and go to click on Horde, all I get is the "Welcome, <my login>" 
>> banner
>> and "Home", "Layout", "Options", "Help", and "Log out" - no
>> "Administration" and "Configuration" icons/links!
> Do they appear in the left menu?

Hallo Jan,

No, they do not appear in my left menu either.

>> I am in the "admins" array in "$HORDE/config/conf.php":
>> $conf['auth']['admins'] = array('earle');
>> (And, yes, I'm logging in as "earle")
> But your internal user name might be earle at domain.tld if you chose to 
> use
> realms in IMP's servers.php - given you login through IMP.

No, I am not using realms - the 'realm' parameter in IMP's
servers.php is blank:

   $servers['imap'] = array(
     'realm' => '',

>> *** Horde.php.dist      Wed Mar  3 04:13:52 2004
>> --- Horde.php   Wed Mar 17 17:23:12 2004
>> ***************
>> *** 1370,1373 ****
>>                                'icon_path' =>
>> $registry->getParam('graphics'));
>> !         }
>>            return $menu;
>> --- 1370,1378 ----
>>                                'icon_path' =>
>> $registry->getParam('graphics'));
>> !         } else {
>> !             $error = PEAR::raiseError(sprintf(_("Horde: in array
>> ['auth']['admins'] == FALSE"), $hook, $app));
>> !             Horde::logMessage($error, __FILE__, __LINE__,
>> +             return $error;
>> +       }
>> +
>>            return $menu;
>> Well, this isn't working - the exception isn't being raised.
> Because it has a syntax error in the sprintf() call. Try:
> Horde::logMessage('some message', ....) instead.

OK, I made this change, but I'm not seeing any output anywhere -
not on the rendered Horde page, nor did I get any syslog message
(if, indeed, that is what logMessage should generate) to my
"root" login on the mail server.  I even clamped a "truss" (this
is a Solaris 8 machine) on "syslogd" and nothing was sent to it
when I clicked on the "Horde" icon/link to go to the Horde screen.

I'm puzzled - surely this code is getting run at some point,
right?  The Horde menu has to be generated at some point if
you click on the Horde link ... is there any other place where
the "Horde/"Layout"/"Options"/"Help"/"Log out" menu bar at
the top is laid out?


	- Greg

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