[horde] Re: Horde snapshot of 3/4/2004 not recognizing me as "admin"

Greg Earle earle at isolar.DynDNS.ORG
Thu Mar 18 19:49:35 PST 2004

On Mar 18, 2004, at 8:44 AM, Greg Earle <earle at isolar.DynDNS.ORG> wrote:
> On Mar 18, 2004, at 10:51 AM, Jan Schneider wrote:
>> Zitat von Greg Earle <earle at isolar.DynDNS.ORG>:
>>> Everything's working great, except for one little thing.  When I
>>> log in (I've got it set up to automatically forward/put me into IMP),
>>> and go to click on Horde, all I get is the "Welcome, <my login>"
>>> banner
>>> and "Home", "Layout", "Options", "Help", and "Log out" - no
>>> "Administration" and "Configuration" icons/links!
>> Do they appear in the left menu?
> Hallo Jan,
> No, they do not appear in my left menu either.
>>> I am in the "admins" array in "$HORDE/config/conf.php":
>>> $conf['auth']['admins'] = array('earle');
>>> (And, yes, I'm logging in as "earle")
>> But your internal user name might be earle at domain.tld if you chose
>> to use realms in IMP's servers.php - given you login through IMP.
> No, I am not using realms - the 'realm' parameter in IMP's
> servers.php is blank:
>    $servers['imap'] = array(
>      [...]
>      'realm' => '',

I've "solved" this - but I don't understand the behavior.

It turns out that the Horde code (from March 4th, anyway) is
thinking that my user name is "earle at machine.my.do.main", not
"earle".  (This seems to be reflected in the fact that the
"Welcome" banner says "Welcome, earle at machine.my.do.main",
whereas with the previous older snapshots - like from 6 months
ago - I get "Welcome, earle".)

In order for the Administration/Configuration menu entries to
appear, I have to put "'earle at machine.my.do.main'" into the
"admins" array in $HORDE/config/conf.php, instead of "'earle'".

I don't understand this - as I stated, my "realm" entry in the
IMP servers.php $servers['imap'] array is blank.  Why is
"@machine.my.do.main" getting tacked on to my user name, like
as if Horde is thinking I'm using realms?

Also, this is case-sensitive - if, for example, I change the
"arrays" entry to "'earle at machine.MY.DO.MAIN'" in conf.php,
it doesn't match - and so I don't get the
"Administration"/"Configuration" menu entries in that case,
either.  I don't understand why it's case-sensitive.

The only references I can find in my config files to
"machine.my.do.main" (lower case) are (starting from $HORDE):

imp/config/conf.php:$conf['user']['redirect_on_logout'] = 

config/conf.php:$conf['auth']['admins'] = 
array('earle at machine.my.do.main');

config/conf.php:$conf['mailer']['params']['host'] = 

config/conf.php:$conf['vfs']['params']['vfsroot'] = 

ingo/config/backends.php:        'hostspec' => 'machine.my.do.main',

Are any of these (e.g. the "$conf['mailer']['params']['host']"
entry) causing Horde to think I'm using realms, and that my realm
is "machine.my.do.main"?


	- Greg

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