[horde] Failure in Authentication Using Backend 'SQL'

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Mar 30 00:30:22 PST 2004

Zitat von ACAY <oscarp at acay.com.au>:

> I've used CVS Horde distributiion for several months.
> For log-in I used 'application' and 'imp' drivers. No problems.
> I tried to use 'sql' and 'mysql'. Problem - wrong user name/password.
> Why ? When I have the same user name in 'horde_users' and 'password'
> as the one I enter in login.php ?
> I used mysql command to enter user in 'horde_users' as follows:
> USE horde;
> insert into horde_users (user_uid, user_pass) values ('myuser', 
> password('mypass'));


USE horde;
insert into horde_users (user_uid, user_pass) values ('myuser',


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