[horde] Large horde installs

Etienne Goyer etienne.goyer at linuxquebec.com
Wed Apr 14 11:49:18 PDT 2004

Usually, mailspool on NFS is considered a big NO NO.  I can't explain 
why, just passing on common wisdom.

Anyway, you do not need to share the mailspool via NFS.  Configure IMP 
to access  mail via IMAP to your MTA/IMAP daemon box (see 

We have a client with over 80K accounts running on two servers, 
load-balanced with LVS (aka layer 4 switch).  Both frontend serve as 
MTA, IMAP daemon (although the mail is not stored locally; this is a 
Cyrus Murder) and Horde server.  I would tend to believe that serving 
10K Horde accounts on a single machine with decent hardware (dual CPU 
and 4 GB RAM) would be entirely possible.

This is, of course, dependant on various factor.  What is the volume of 
mail ?  Which IMAP daemon do you plan to use ? Is the usage pattern of 
your users heavy (large mailbox, frequent search, etc) ?  Are they going 
to read their mail with IMP exclusively, or it will just supplement a 
regular MUA (for when they are on the road, in example) ?

I would personnally use Postfix or Exim for MTA, but I know this is a 
religious issue so I will respect your faith.

Joe Hamelin wrote:
> I'm exploring the use of horde/imp/etc for a large group of Realtors
> (over 10k) and would love any advice other large scale users might
> have before I select the hardware and configuration of the system.
> I'll be running it on FreeBSD 4.9 boxen.  I'm thinking of having one
> box be the RAID fileserver (vinum) and then the mail machines
> (sendmail/imapd/popd/spamassassin) and web/horde machines connecting
> to the file server via NFS.
> A few questions I have are:
> 1) what part of the system will have the most load?
> 2) will NFS hold up in production?
> 3) what other things should I worry about?
> Thanks,
> Joe Hamelin

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