[horde] gettext issues.

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Mon Apr 12 14:13:09 PDT 2004

Quoting Ron Toms <ronltoms at yahoo.com>:

>    Gettext Support: No
>    Horde will not run without gettext support. Compile
> php --with-gettext before continuing.
> But gettext and xml ARE compiled in!

Check your php.ini file to see if you are loading them.  If they are
compiled shared like your version, you need to tell php to load them.

> I've also verified that gettext and XML are definately
> installed in the system and working. The "shared,path"
> syntax seems to be normal for the current version of
> PHP configure, and I'd rather tweak the horde code or
> PHP.ini than recompile PHP.

Probably it is your php.ini that needs the tweaking.

> Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

No, but I'd bet some small amount of money you need to either add an
"extension=php_gettext.so" line to your php.ini, or uncomment an
existing line like that.

> Also, since my company is a very small family owned
> business and strictly Eenglish speaking (I hope I
> don't offend anyone here) can I just disable the
> gettext requirement, since we'll never need it?

Not easily.  (The only way to do this is to write your own version of
each php gettext function used and include it in each page, or to
edit every horde file and remove all the gettext references... Obviously
the second choice would be a very bad choice, and the first isn't
really optimal either).

> Thanks,
> -- Ron Toms

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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