[horde] Horde Installation

Vicki Stanfield vicki at thepenguin.org
Wed Apr 14 05:31:49 PDT 2004

On Tue, Apr 13, 2004 at 06:20:28PM -0700, Mike Bydalek wrote:
> Quoting Vicki Stanfield <vicki at thepenguin.org>:
> >When I tried to install horde from a tarball, I extracted the tarball
> What version of Horde?  The docs are in /horde/docs/ (I know for Head) so 
> you
> should check there.
> -Mike
It is a little clearer after re-reading these docs several times, but I am confused by the pear stuff. My RH9 install has /usr/bin/pear, but the pear tarball that I downloaded (because my pear is too old), seems to have no such animal. The page says that:

Note that you DO NOT need to recompile PHP to install these libraries. Simply moving the new PEAR files into place will be sufficient; they are just PHP scripts and no recompilation or restarting of the server is necessary.

But why does RH have a binary. I did install pear at /usr/local/lib/pear, but again the documentation seems lacking. I don't see an install file. Only the line above which indicates that just untarring the file in the right place is enough. But won't RH9's binary version override?


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