[horde] Horde / Imp / Fetchmail v2

Benworld horde at andromea.org
Thu Apr 15 03:31:57 PDT 2004

Hi again

Another probleme with fetchmail on Imp4

When i try to create a new fecthmail account

Select an account (create) -ok
click on create

but here

Select the mail server type ! and here no choice ...

can someone help ?


"les logiciels de base devraient être bon marché
 comme l'eau, l'électricité ou le gaz".
\|/ ____ \|/ [Benworld]
"@'/ ,. \`@" [Andromea.org]
/_| \__/ |_\ [Mailto : horde at andromea.org]
   \__U_/    [URL : http://www.andromea.org]

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