FW: [horde] rcpthosts?

Chip Bell cbell at msbv.com
Thu Apr 22 12:22:29 PDT 2004

Thanks a lot for your help Rick.


I found this:  http://cr.yp.to/qmail/faq/servers.html#tcpserver-smtpd


It says to add      -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb


after tcpserver in your system boot scripts


but I'm not quite sure what/where the boot scripts are.  Red Hat 9 OS..




-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Romero [mailto:rick at havokmon.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 3:10 PM
To: Chip Bell
Subject: Re: [horde] rcpthosts?



On Thu, 2004-04-22 at 14:06, Chip Bell wrote:

> Hello




> When I send an email to x at hotmail.com via browser, it works fine.

> I try to send it via Outlook Express, I get an error  The message

> not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by the server.

> The rejected e-mail address was 'flyinfingers5 at hotmail.com'. Subject

> 'test', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP,

> Server Response: '553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed

> rcpthosts (#5.7.1)', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 553,

> Number: 0x800CCC79


> Has anyone seen this before?


Yes, you have allowed to relay, but the machine your using

Outlook Express from is NOT allowed to relay.


Are you running SMTP Auth?    POP Before SMTP?   Do/try one of those

before you send from Outlook.






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