[horde] Creating application and translation

Laurent Bonnet lbonnet at alike-group.com
Tue May 4 08:41:56 PDT 2004


I am devellopping an application for Horde and I want it to be 
multilingual. The problem is that it is hosted by my provider which uses PHP
in safe mode. I can't use translation.php because the safe mode does not 
allow me to use the exec command of PHP.

So I tried to use gettext with windows (my company does not have a unix 
like...) and to place the correct po and mo file on the remote server.

    1.Go to the base directory of my application and type
            xgettext --output-dir=po -file_list.txt
    It generates a messages.po file. I renamed it fr_FR.po
    2. Launch msgfmt fr_FR.po. It generates a fr_FR.mo file which I 
moved to the locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES directory of my new horde application.

But it does not worked.

Did I missed something ?

Thanks for your help.


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