FW: FW: [horde] CVS Head

Etienne Goyer etienne.goyer at linuxquebec.com
Wed May 12 10:18:33 PDT 2004

Chip Bell wrote:
> Not sure what IIRC is...??

If I Recall Correctly.

> I don't *think* I am authenticating against IMP, IMAP, but I'm not
> really sure how to tell?  

Look in horde/config/conf.php, and check for line looking like :

     $conf['auth']['driver'] = 'application';
     $conf['auth']['params']['app'] = 'imp';

> When I go to x.x.x.x/horde it takes me to the login screen

That's the expected behavior.

> When I go to x.x.x.x/imp/ I try to log in as a user which I KNOW exists
> in the horde_users table...no dice.

Wheter or not having the user in the horde_users table os sufficient 
depend on which authentication driver you use.

Have you configured Horde for logging ?  If not, you may want to do so. 
  If yes, then please check the log for error message.  Setting Horde 
for logging is explained in detail in horde/config/conf.php.
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