[horde] Re: Problem with Server name local LAN and Internet

Andreas Oster aoster at novanetwork.de
Tue May 18 09:59:53 PDT 2004

Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von andreas oster <aoster at novanetwork.de>:
>> Hello horde-users,
>> I have run into a little problem with my horde installation.
>> Users from inside our company should access the server with
>> his real name (http://servername.our-local-domain/horde) on port 80.
>> Users from outside can only access the server with https
>> through our firewall. The port 443 is NAT-ed from one of our
>> global addresses to its real local LAN IP. To access the server
>> we have a special webmail DNS entry. The problem is, that when
>> someone connects to the server the url in the browser is
>> rewritten with the local LAN server name, which is obviously
>> not working for users outside of our local LAN. Is it possible
>> to have different server names/URLs for local LAN and Internet ??
> Replace $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] with whatever returns the correct host name
> for all cases in registry.php or conf.php (depending on your Horde
> version).
> Jan.
> -- 
> Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?
> http://horde.org/consulting.php
Hello Jan,

can you please give me a hint how the entry for $conf['server']['name']
should look like if I need two different server names like

https://webmail.internet-domain.de (for webmail-access from outside)
http://servername.localdomain.de (for webmail-access from local LAN)

Thank you for your help

best regards


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