[horde] VERY slow login...

Benoit St-Andre ben at benoitst-andre.net
Tue May 25 12:10:20 PDT 2004

Le 25 Mai 2004 14:56, Chip Bell a écrit :
> Using latest stable version of Horde/imp
> Web mail login is extremely slow, sometimes even errors out.  (bad
> credentials)  Once you do get logged in, speed is fantastic.  MySql db
> has limit of 250 while only about 100 have ever been on @ once.
> This is a production server, please help if you can!
> Thanks...
> PS  I tried changing the $connect stuff and it didn't help..

If your mail server or auth server (I don't know what you are using for your 
users, mysql, ldap, imap, ?) is not on your horde/imp machine, be sure to 
check that all the other mail/auth server you are connecting to are well 
defined in your dns or in your /etc/hosts file.

Otherwise, your can wait for a reverse dns call to timeout, more users there 
are, the longer it gets. 

My 0,02$ cdn :-)
Benoit St-André
ben at benoitst-andre.net
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