[horde] Nag DB Errors

Lars Kirchhoff lkirchhoff at ieb.net
Mon Jul 12 04:57:33 PDT 2004


  I have some trouble with Nag in a Horde CVS Head installation. It's not the
  latest CVS head. I'm getting DB Errors "DB Error: already exists." randomly.
  I've used the create_sequence.php and the create_default_history.php script
  to update the database. I've converted the task_id from int to varchar(32)
  and the task_category from int to varchar(80). The problem, which I still
  see is, that in the old configuration the task_owner and the task_id are
  both the primary key and I saw in the /script/nag_tasks.sql that the
  task_id is now the only primary key. Removing the task_owner from the
  primary key is not possible, because some task_id's are identical.

  So my question is how can I cleanup my database. I would like to prefer
  to clean all tables from nag data and then import all old data. In
  nag_tasks are about 100 entries, but I don't know how much other data is
  in horde_categories and horde_categories_attributes.

  thanks in advance.

best regards
Lars Kirchhoff


 Here my table configuration:


    task_owner  varchar(255)
    task_id  varchar(32)
    task_name  varchar(64)
    task_desc  text
    task_modified  int(11)
    task_due  int(11)
    task_priority  int(11)
    task_category  varchar(80)
    task_completed  smallint(6)
    task_private  smallint(6)
    task_alarm  int(11)


    category_id  int(11)
    group_uid  varchar(255)
    user_uid  varchar(255)
    category_name  varchar(255)
    category_parents  varchar(255)
    category_order  int(11)
    category_data  text
    category_serialized  smallint(6)
    category_updated  timestamp(14)


    category_id  int(11)
    attribute_name  varchar(255)
    attribute_key  varchar(255)

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