[horde] SSL URLs

AJ aj at mindcrash.com
Wed Jul 21 13:15:21 PDT 2004

I got this working correctly, but now I have an annoying IE issue.
Users are getting a prompt saying that they are being redirected to a 
non secure
page, etc.. Of course firefox does not do this.  Is there any way to eliminate
this prompt, besides trying to turn it off in IE, which doesn't seem to even


Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von AJ <aj at mindcrash.com>:
>> Hi,
>>   I am looking to just use SSL for the login pages of horde, imp, etc...
>> I have changed the use_ssl setting  in conf.php, as well as tried to set the
>> server port to 443, but I cannot seem to get it to work.  I am using 
>> use_ssl=3.
>> It seems to just stick the port number at the end of the URLs.. Is 
>> there a way
>> to re-write the URLs w/ https:// instead of tacking one the port number?
>> Is there another way to accomplish this?
> This is exactly what use_ssl=3 does.
> Jan.
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