[horde] Login question

Roberto Sanchez rcsanchez97 at yahoo.es
Wed Jul 21 23:52:02 PDT 2004

I have two nearly identical servers, both running the latest versions of
Horde and all the associated apps.  Both servers run Debian Woody.
One runs the Horde apps from the horde.org tarballs (this is is because
it started life as a RedHat server, and was later converted to Debian,
preserving the MySQL and Horde2 installs).  The second servers runs
Horde2 and all associated apps backported from Debian Unstable.

The problem is that the machine running from the tarballs pops up an
alert upon log in when there are new messages.  It also aplies filters
on log in, as expected.  However, the second machine does not display
this behavior.  Even if there are new messages, I must physically
click on my inbox, then refrenh it to get the filter rules to apply.

AFAICT, the configuration settings are identical for both machines,
with the exception of slightly different cenfig file locations.

I would appreciate it if anyone could give me a pointer as to what I
may be missing here.

--Roberto Sanchez

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