[horde] Creating a new Auth module

Barsalou barjunk at attglobal.net
Thu Jul 22 08:20:51 PDT 2004

In my attempt to create a new Auth module, I guessed that, to start, I
could just copy the passwd.php file and call it ecartis.php.  

I then changed any reference to passwd in that file to ecartis.  After
checking the permissions of the file and verifying that it is an exact
duplicate except for the passwd/ecartis changes, I get an error message
'undefined function call in prefs.php' that implies that the Auth object
never gets created.

The new module entry shows up in the 'Authentication' section of the
admin module, and when looking at the conf file after reconfiguring to
use the new module, everthing looks similar to when it is set to passwd.

Maybe I didn't add some info somewhere that tells horde about the new

I am just trying to get the configuration part working.  I will change
the module to work on the ecartis format after that.

What are some possible steps can I take to resolve this?  

Barsalou <barjunk at attglobal.net>

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