[horde] Problems with include file while installing horde

Cecil Westerhof cecilwesterhof at xs4all.nl
Sun Jul 25 06:00:52 PDT 2004

Op zo 25-07-2004, om 14:28 schreef Dan Brown:
> Hash: SHA1
> Cecil Westerhof wrote:
> |>Reading the install documentation.
> |
> |
> | I did. But for example I did not find anything about HEAD there.
> | Well I suppose I have to wait until I have a lot of time to install it.
> 	Apparently you missed the part of horde/docs/INSTALL that starts here:
> ~  3. Additional PEAR Modules
> ~     PEAR is short for "PHP Extension and Application Repository".
> ~     The goal of PEAR is to provide a means of distributing reusable
> ~     code.
> 	Take a look there and install what it says it needs.

This I did. I did a PEAR install with Log, Archive_Tar, Console_Getopt,
XML_RPC, PEAR, DB and sqlite.
With the last I got an error about a non existing command phpize.
The problem is (I think) that my include_path empty is. And I do not
know where to change it. Until now I did not work with php.

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