[horde] Problems with include file while installing horde

Cecil Westerhof cecilwesterhof at xs4all.nl
Sun Jul 25 08:19:19 PDT 2004

Op zo 25-07-2004, om 16:14 schreef Cecil Westerhof:
> Op zo 25-07-2004, om 15:39 schreef Cecil Westerhof:
> > Op zo 25-07-2004, om 15:00 schreef Cecil Westerhof:
> > I got a little further. In /etc/php.ini the include_path was put into
> > comment. After uncommenting I found the include path was not correct. I
> > changed it to the correct value, but now I only get an empty page.
> Solved. I opened the wrong page. Now I get a login screen. But I can not
> login. I get that phptype not is set. But I have in config/horde.php:
> 	$conf['prefs']['params']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
> I created the database and I can (with mysql) connect to it.

I had not set values for $conf['auth']. It looks like that it works now.
I only have a empty help and options. But it is ofcourse only a
framework. Lets start with imp I think.

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