[horde] "Expected identifier" -error

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Sep 8 02:47:14 PDT 2004

Zitat von pete <pkarttun at siba.fi>:

>> Zitat von pete <pkarttun at siba.fi>:
>>> If I try to edit any permission in Horde Administration/Permissions (when
> i
>>> click the Edit-icon) my IE6 gives a runtime error :
>>> Line: 72
>>> Error: Expected identifier
>> We need the code. The generated HTML code.
>> Jan.
> The problem was browser specific and solved with IE6SP2.
> Anyway, the html-code follows. Line 72 pointed out in the error message is:
> if (document.horde_form.default) {
>    document.horde_form.default.focus();
> }

Should be fixed now for older IE versions too.


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