[horde] rpms update

Alex Low (e-wise) alex.low at e-wise.nl
Thu Sep 9 00:35:46 PDT 2004

Yeah thanks for the info, I found that out too yesterday.
I agree, rpm version of horde is really not necessary.

Hehe but as a rpm user for awhile, you always try find a rpm for everything


-----Original Message-----
From: horde-bounces at lists.horde.org [mailto:horde-bounces at lists.horde.org]
On Behalf Of hec spc
Sent: donderdag 9 september 2004 5:31
To: horde at lists.horde.orghorde@lists.horde.orghorde at lists.horde.org
Subject: Re: [horde] rpms update

El 08/09/2004, a las 12:40, Alex Low (e-wise) escribió:

> Why isn't the rpm's updated on the website?
> Where can I find recent RPM's? On ftp.horde.org its version 2.2.3 
> which is
> timestamped begin last year.
> SRPM's or RPM's of 2.2.5 or 2.2.6 would be nice. (if for fedora core 
> 2, even
> perfect).

But actually why do you want a RPM? I have my horde distribution in my 
FC2 box and is working extremely well. You don't need a RPM because you 
don't have to compilate anything.

Just download the version you want in .tar.gz. Decompress it using tar 
zxvf file.tar.gz inside /var/www/html directory and that's all... You 
will have your new version of horde installed in your system.... 
Afterwards all you have to do is to configure it and ... it isn't so 
hard as it seems :D

Other way to do it is taking a cvs version (with a lot of features but 
you can find and bug and report it of course) and it is very well 
explained in horde web page.

Sincerely IMHO i think that having the developers to make RPMS for a 
PHP project is a really waste of time.

hec spc
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