[horde] Horde on Debian Sarge

Debian debian at temex.fr
Mon Sep 20 05:00:41 PDT 2004


I've a server with Debian Woody with Horde/imp, it's OK. I test an another
server with Debian Sarge and I have a problem, When I check my installtion
with /horde/test.php, I've this result 

 PHP Module Capabilities
        DOM XML Support: No 
        FTP Support: Yes 
        Gettext Support: Yes 
        IMAP Support: No 
        LDAP Support: No 
        MCAL Support: No 
        Mcrypt Support: No 
        MySQL Support: No 
        PostgreSQL Support: No 
        XML Support: Yes

But :

mailhost:~# apt-get install php4-domxml
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances... Fait
php4-domxml est déjà la plus récente version disponible.
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.

I've the same result for IMAP, LDAP, MCAL, MCrypt, PostgreSQL. I don't

My version of horde :

Horde: System Capabilities TestHorde Versions
        Horde: 2.2.5 
        IMP: 3.2.5 (run IMP tests) 
      PHP Version
        View phpinfo() screen 
        PHP Version: 4.3.8-12 
        PHP Major Version: 4.3 
        PHP Minor Version: 8 
        PHP Subminor Version: 12 
        PHP Version Classification: release 
        You are running a supported version of PHP.

Thank's for you're help.


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