[horde] Re: Horde CVS Slow!

Francesco Consumi consumi at istitutodeglinnocenti.it
Wed Oct 6 10:59:39 PDT 2004

Scrive Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Francesco Consumi <consumi at minori.it>:
>> I've found where is the problem opening messages: if I disable the mail
>> logging functionality ($conf['maillog']['use_maillog'] = false;), the
>> messages are being opened very fast.
>> But I don't understand why in older horde this functionality wasn't
>> disturbing at all.
> Well, maybe you didn't have it on before because it didn't exist in 
> your older
> code. Maybe your datatree table needs to be optimized. Etc...
> -chuck
Uhm, I've ever seen into the messages infos about time of replying and 
so on, so
I think the mail logging was activated even in older installation.

the datatree table is in mysql, on localhost, reached with unix socket.
Are the infos stored in datatree grown in the new version ? how can I optimize
the table ?

many thanks for continuos support. :-)

Francesco Consumi
Ufficio Sistemi informativi
Istituto degli Innocenti
Piazza SS.Annunziata, 12
50122 Firenze
consumi at istitutodeglinnocenti.it
Tel. +39 055 2037320
ICQ# 12516133

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