[horde] Error trying to run horde after new install of horde-HEAD-2004-10 -07

Jody Cleveland Cleveland at winnefox.org
Thu Oct 7 08:01:30 PDT 2004


I'm trying a new install of horde-HEAD-2004-10-07. I followed all the
instructions, and when I try to view the page, I get this error instead
of a login:

Notice: Undefined index: display in /usr/share/pear/Horde/Menu.php on
line 67

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: initialpage() in
/var/www/html/horde/index.php on line 44

Any ideas what I may have done wrong?

I know with previous versions of horde, there is a section in conf.php
where you put in the database information, but didn't notice that in
this one. Is that hiding somewhere else?

Jody Cleveland
Computer Support Specialist
cleveland at winnefox.org

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