[horde] Notice: Undefined index: socket in /usr/share/pear/DB /mysql.php o n line 108

Daniel Eckl daniel.eckl at gmx.de
Fri Oct 8 07:52:21 PDT 2004

Am Freitag, 8. Oktober 2004 16:10 schrieb Vilius Šumskas:
> Cituojama Jody Cleveland <Cleveland at winnefox.org>:
> >> Yes, because there is no default location. Or choose TCP/IP
> >> as the protocol.
> >
> > Do you know what it would be for mysql?
> try "locate mysql.sock" in system's shell.

And if you do not have locate installed, you can search for it at:


If that doesn't help either, then try
find / -name "mysql.sock"
and give it some minutes disk access to find the file.

Socket access is preferred over TCP/IP if the database is on the same machine.


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