[horde] weather.com in portal

Hermit klowther at cisnet.com
Fri Nov 19 01:36:10 PST 2004

Oliver Kuhl wrote:
> Hi,
> Hermit wrote:
>> The weather.com block will not show up in my portal.  Also, if I use 
>> it nothing added below where it is supposed to be will show up. I even 
>> registered for the 'account'.  Throw away address of course.  I have 
>> pear Weather_services lit green under the test.php page.   Just 
>> updated horde and the frame work also.
> do you use the latest version of Weather_services?

In spite of showing up in the test.php page as there, I did a pear list and it 
didn't show up so:

[root at cis hermit]# pear install services_weather
downloading Services_Weather-1.3.1.tgz ...
Starting to download Services_Weather-1.3.1.tgz (44,818 bytes)
............done: 44,818 bytes
Optional dependencies:
package `SOAP' version >= 0.7.5 is recommended to utilize some features.
package `XML_Serializer' version >= 0.8 is recommended to utilize some features.
install ok: Services_Weather 1.3.1
[root at cis hermit]# pear install soap
No release with state equal to: 'stable' found for 'soap'
[root at cis hermit]# pear install SOAP
No release with state equal to: 'stable' found for 'SOAP'
[root at cis hermit]# pear install XML_Serializer
No release with state equal to: 'stable' found for 'XML_Serializer'
[root at cis hermit]# pear install XML_Serializer
No release with state equal to: 'stable' found for 'XML_Serializer'
[root at cis hermit]#

I have an older version of Horde CVS running.  About 1 1/2 years old now and I 
don't see any of these on that machine.  Difference in implementation?  I could 
understand it not showing data but for the block to break everything from there 


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