[horde] weather.com in portal

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Nov 19 05:16:13 PST 2004

Zitat von Oliver Kuhl <okuhl at netcologne.de>:

> Jan,
> Jan Schneider wrote:
>> Zitat von Hermit <klowther at cisnet.com>:
>>> The weather.com block will not show up in my portal.  Also, if I 
>>> use it nothing
>>> added below where it is supposed to be will show up. I even 
>>> registered for the
>>> 'account'.  Throw away address of course.  I have pear Weather_services lit
>>> green under the test.php page.   Just updated horde and the frame 
>>> work also.
>> It works fine here, but I've seen problems with blocks after the weather
>> block too.
> Services_weather has to version 1.3.1. Is there a possibility to check
> the version in test.php as well? I could not find any solution because
> Services_Weather::apiVersion() simply returns 1.3. :-(

Hm, this what we should rely on. Too bad that the maintainer obviously
didn't update that value.
I think this should be added to INSTALL, including a minimum package
version. A patch would be great.


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