[horde] Form & Variable Classes - Hidden Variables

mbydalek at mobilemini.com mbydalek at mobilemini.com
Fri Nov 19 07:25:50 PST 2004

> From: Jan Schneider [mailto:jan at horde.org] 
> No. We won't break the APIs after the releases.

I never said anything about "breaking" the APIs, and "breaking" and
"changing" are completely different.  Like any other project out there,
functions do get deprecated, so removing the addHidden() in say Horde 4.0
would be acceptable and is actually part of the growing process (ie. Java,
C, Perl, etc.).

Anyways, here's a sample form that demonstrates what I am experiencing.
You'll notice that after submitting the form, the value of 'hiddenval' is no
where to be found, yet the Variables class knows it exists.


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