[horde] help kronolith

Simone Mattana mattana at mporzio.astro.it
Mon Dec 6 00:20:52 PST 2004

*Hi Ivan,
*my english is very bad,
*I have two problems, the first is in Kronolith, I don't see the event
on calendar after that i save, *so the event don't function correctly! I
hope you understanding :-) 
The problem persist, someone can help-me?????
*The second problem is in Mail, i can create one level of folder while I
would create many level of *folder!! (this is the error:  The folder
"example/ciaoooo" was not created. This is what the server *said: CREATE
*failed: Can't create mailbox node /user/simone/mail/example/: File
exists ) You can help me???
Imap server support the subfolder, when you click on "create folder",
insert in window "prompt script" the full path!!!  Example:   
In prompt script insert /pluto/ciccio/cacca   :-)
Best regards
* Simone Mattana
*Tecnico Informatico
* Centro Servizi Informatici e Telematici                              *

*INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma                        *
*Via Frascati 33
*00040 Monteporzio (Roma) Italy
*e-mail: mattana at mporzio.astro.it

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