[horde] html msgs in IMP, fetchmail feature

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Mon Dec 13 02:16:20 PST 2004

Ivan Zilic Schmidt <ivan.zilic at maingroup.net> rašė:

> I would like to know if there is a way to see html messages inline and not as
> attachment.

Go to /horde/imp/config/mime_drivers.php and search for the line:
$mime_drivers['imp']['html']['inline'] = false; (change to true).

> And the other thing i would like know is if there is a way to remove the
> fetchmail option.

Go to /horde/imp/config/prefs.php and turn off and lock fetchmail.

   Best Regards,

   Vilius Šumskas
   LNK TV system administrator
   mob.: +370 614 75713

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