[horde] RE : Problème with Kronolith and Free/Busy

Amaury TANQUEREL amaury.tanquerel at capaciti.com
Tue Dec 14 02:23:27 PST 2004

Excuse me,
the error is : An error occured when importation data icalendar for admin at mydomaine.com
No freebusy found
Do you have an idea ??
Quoting Amaury TANQUEREL <amaury.tanquerel at capaciti.com>:

> When i want to view the disponibility of participants whn i create a
> reunion i have a error message with Free Busy

... and that error is?

When i want to view the disponibility of participants whn i create a reunion i have a error message with Free Busy
In my config.php in kronolith i have configured
// Addressbooks to search for free/busy URLs.
$_prefs['search_abook'] = array(
    // If you want the localsql address book to be the default, use:
    'value' => 'a:1:{i:0;s:8:"localsql";}',
//    'value' => 'a:0:{}',
    'locked' => false,
    'shared' => false,
    'type' => 'implicit',
    'desc' => _("Choose the address books to search for free/busy URLs:")

But it doesn't work.
Help me please

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