[horde] Problem with troll and sam

K. H. Gowranga gowranga at serc.iisc.ernet.in
Tue Dec 14 06:30:09 PST 2004


I am running Apache/1.3.31 (Unix) PHP/4.3.9 mod_ssl/2.8.20 mod_perl-1.29
OpenSSL/0.9.7d on AIX4.3.2.  Web response with stable versions:
horde-2.2.6 and imp-3.2.6 is good indeed. However, as this setup does not
support troll (none of the head versions), I tried the release versions:
Horde 3.0 RC(1,2,3) and Imp 4.0RC(1,2,3) with troll(one after the other),
but troll doesn't work. I get the same results when I use compatible head
versions of horde,imp and troll. The combination horde-3.0-beta,
imp-h3-4.0-beta with troll-HEAD-2004-11-16 does work but the web response
is very poor and the system response too degrades slowly. I have even
tried "KeepAlive Off" option in httpd configuration, but response doesn't
seem to improve. An attempt to access newsgroups gives me an error:

Notice: Use of undefined constant IMAPTREE_INIT_SUB - assumed
'IMAPTREE_INIT_SUB' in /var/apache/htdocs/horde/troll/lib/IMAP/Tree.php on
line 56

but subsequently I am able to browse and read news.

I have installed sam-HEAD-2004-11-19, but attempt to read Spam folder
gives error as:

Notice: Use of undefined constant HORDE_MENU_MASK_ALL - assumed
'HORDE_MENU_MASK_ALL' in /var/apache/htdocs/horde/sam/lib/SAM.php on line

Notice: Use of undefined constant HORDE_MENU_MASK_PREFS - assumed
'HORDE_MENU_MASK_PREFS' in /var/apache/htdocs/horde/sam/lib/SAM.php on
line 144

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: add() in
/var/apache/htdocs/horde/sam/lib/SAM.php on line 146

Latest head versions of horde, imp, troll and sam fail to work. Kindly let
me know if I am missing something.

Thanks in advance


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