[horde] Initial Administrative Login to new installation

Steve Daniels horde at stedaniels.co.uk
Thu Dec 16 06:46:03 PST 2004

You must of followed the installation intructions incorrectly. If you 
follwed them, when you first goto /horde/ there is NO login page.
Somewhere, somehow you've configured authentication details somewhere.

Details how you went about installing horde.


Ian Sutherland wrote:

> PHP: 4.3.10
> Apache: 2.0.5
> MySQL: 4.1.7
> IMAP: UW 2004a (PAM)
> Horde 2004/03/26
> I've read through all the FAQ, Mailing lists and documentation.  Every
> piece of documentation I can find say that the first login I won't
> need a username and password...
> ===========================================================
>     You can now access Horde without a password, and you will be logged in as
>     an administrator. You should first configure a real authentication backend.
>     Click on ``Configuration`` in the ``Administration`` menu and configure
>     Horde.  Start in the ``Authentication`` tab.
> ===========================================================
> The Javascript routine that checks that both username and password are
> in the the textboxes doesn't allow anonymous log on.  Failing that,
> what's the default administrative login.  I've already tried the mysql
> user login that I created with the create_mysql.sql script.
> I've read every document in the docs folder and none of them help me.
> The closest I've seen to help is a post by Jan saying there's no admin
> user in 2...
> If that's true, then how does one administer the system?

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