[horde] Re: Call to undefined function: getparam()

Jean-Luc Wasmer jl+horde at lists.wasmer.ca
Tue Dec 21 09:29:43 PST 2004

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

>> PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function:  getparam() in
>> /usr/local/htdocs/horde/nag/config/prefs.php on line 36, referer:
> cp nag/config/prefs.php.dist nag/config/prefs.php

Damn! I saw the e-mail to Thomas O'Brien but all my config/*.php files 
are links to the corresponding php.dist file.
When I update horde I usually do a recursive copy and play with the copy.
It looks like I used the -r switch (instead of -R) of cp which is
"strongly discouraged, as it does not correctly copy special files, 
symbolic links or fifo's."
Basically, most of my links where copied as regular files....



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