[horde] WeatherDotCom Broken

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Dec 22 07:09:38 PST 2004

Quoting Eugene <eacosta at eugene.cc>:

> I just updated my Fedora Core 3 i386 with the following updates (and other
> 12/21/2004 FC3 updates):
> [SECURITY] Fedora Core 3 Update: php-4.3.10-3.2
> And after that, the weather.com feed now errors with:
> "Services_Weather (Weatherdotcom.php:279): Server data wrong or not 
> available."
> Has anyone else seen this issue?  Is this maybe a problem with weather.com?

Yes, but no developers can reproduce it, so you need to look into it yourself.
I'm on php 4.3.10 and my weather.com block works fine.


"But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy." - John 
Quincy Adams

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