[horde] horde administrator

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sun Dec 26 09:26:50 PST 2004

Zitat von test at inga-und-max.de:

> Zitat von Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:
>> Quoting Steven Stern <subscribed-lists at sterndata.com>:
>> > Are you using IMP4 under Horde3? The first time you open  Horde, you're in
>> as
>> > the administrator. From there, you can designate another user.  One
>> > thing that
>> > tripped me up is that I needed to use name at server.domain as the
>> > Administrator's ID because that's how it gets processed when IMP handles
>> the
>> > logins.
>> Only if you configure IMP to use an authentication realm, which you
>> *should not*
>> do unless you know that you need it.
> i use imp to auth me and imp is already running. so i cant find the 
> admin login
> and so on. so how do i setup now horde to be able to log into the 
> admin menu? i
> couldnt find something at the horde manual about this.

*First* set an administrator, *then* change the authentication driver.

Either set the admin user in conf.php manually, or start from the beginning.


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