[horde] Horde 3 login problems

sCALP mlhorde at tibone.com
Tue Jan 4 03:22:50 PST 2005

Matthew Moore wrote:

>Sessions are ok and cookies enabled. Ive tried my work PC and home PC
>with IE, neither of them work :(
>Quoting Matthew Moore <m.moore at jpci.net>:
>>ve just finished configuring Horde 3, updated the SQL database etc 
>>but when I try and log in it just loops me back to the login page. 
>>Ive set the debug level in the log and I see -
>Go to horde/test.php and make sure sessions are working. If so, check
>cookie settings. It's one of those.
I just want to point what happened for me some weeks ago...
test.php told me everything was OK (even the sessions), and my cookie 
settings were OK too, but Horde wasn't working (no authentification, or 
to be exact, a good authentification, but no horde since I was looping 
back to login.php without warning messages)
to solve the problem, I had to disable the "session.autostart" in my 
virtualhost configuration (you can also do this globally with your 
php.ini if no php_admin_value are declared in your vhosts declarations)

hope this will solve your problem as it worked for mine.


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