[horde] Downloading files from Horde apps

Angelo Roberti aroberti at sidebysideschool.org
Sat Feb 5 23:30:59 PST 2005

Hello, all.

I'm having a bit of a problem here -- I figure it has something to do with my
web server/php configuration.  I'm running the latest released versions of
Horde, IMP, Gollem, etc.

Whenever trying to download a file from a Horde app (an e-mail attachment, a
file from FTP with gollem, etc), the download crawls.  I get the first 150KB or
so of the file immediately, then it looks like nothing's happening, and
eventually the file will download very slowly.  For example, it took 35 minutes
to download a 960KB file from Gollem.  When I FTPed into the machine directly,
the same file took <10 seconds to download.

Same problem with IMP... and when I click on the preview link (rather than the
download one), it'll just sit there with "Loading..." indefinitely.  If I
choose to zip the attachemnts, I have the same problem as well -- I get the
first ~150KB immediately, and then the rest at <1KB/sec.

At this point I'm not even sure where to look.  I thought it might have
something to do with some customizations I made, so I downloaded (in another
directory) a copy straight from CVS and only set it up enough to be able to
connect to my IMAP and FTP servers -- the problem was there, as well.

Let me know what other information would be helpful.  Unfortunately, this is the
last thing holding me up from getting this system into production.  Hopefully
it's just something stupid...


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