[horde] Weather Blocks

Rob Rosenfeld horde.lists.horde.org at rosenfeld.to
Sat Feb 12 12:33:33 PST 2005

I am trying to get the Metar and/or weather.com blocks on the homepage 
working.  From bits and pieces from the lists, I have gotten what feels 
like it's close.  Can I get some pointers on finishing it off?

I have the Metar to the point that I can configure it, so I have the 
database built and horde is seeing it.  But, there's never any data.  
Just a label saying "Last Updated:" with no value.  I think I just need 
to get something to start retrieving data, but how/where?

For weather.com, I get an error message I've seen posted to lists before:  

Services_Weather (Weatherdotcom.php:274): Server data wrong or not 

I've registerd and edited the PEAR file w/ my account info.  The posts 
to correct it mention updating some pear packages.  I have the proper 
pear modules with the versions listed below.  I've trimmed the output to 
only show the packages mentioned. 

# pear list
Installed packages:
Package              Version  State
Cache                1.5.4    stable
Net_DIME             0.3      beta
SOAP                 0.8.1    beta
Services_Weather     1.3.1    stable
XML_Parser           1.2.4    stable
XML_Serializer       0.14.1   beta
XML_Util             1.1.1    stable

Is there anything in Weatherdotcom.php that I need to edit besides 
$_partnerID or $_licenseKey?  Where do I need to put the SDK files or 
how do I tell it where to find them?



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