[horde] Setting default identity name with a hook (very little 'hack')

Áncor González Sosa ancorgs at banot.net
Fri Mar 4 12:16:21 PST 2005

I followed the instructions on the wiki to setup default identity 'fullname' 
and 'from address' by means of hooks. Then I thought: why it doesn't work 
with the identity name? Looking at the source code I realized that just 
changing line 91 in lib/Horde/Identity.php this way

.<             $identity['id'] = _("Default Identity");
.>             if (!$identity['id']) {
.>                 $identity['id'] = _("Default Identity");
.>             }

makes it possible to set the Identity name by means of hooks, like it can be 
done with fullname and from_addr.

There is any good reason for restricting this posibility?

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  Áncor González Sosa               /'\_   _/`\    
  ancorgs at softhome.net              \___)=(___/    
  Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (Woody)                     

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