[horde] trying to ge auth ldap to work

alan walters alan at aillweecave.ie
Tue Mar 22 13:47:25 PST 2005

Can anyone assist me with trouble sh0oting this issue

I get 8 entries returned but receive no information????



Notice: Undefined index: mail in /usr/share/php/Horde/Auth/ldap.php on line 328




if (!function_exists('_horde_hook_authldap')) {

    function _horde_hook_authldap($userID, $credentials = null)


        $entry['dn'] = 'mail=' . $userID . ',vd=radiowave.net,o=clients,dc=radiowave,dc=net';

        if (isset($credentials) && isset($credentials['user_fullname'])) {

            $entry['mail'] = $credentials['user_fullname'];

        } else {

            $entry['mail'] = $userID;


        $entry['objectclass'][0] = 'top';

        $entry['objectclass'][1] = 'VirtualMailAccount';

        $entry['objectclass'][2] = 'Vacation';

        $entry['objectclass'][3] = 'amavisAccount';

        $entry['objectclass'][3] = 'VirtualForward';

        $entry['mail'] = $userID;

        $entry['vdHome'] = '/home/vmail/domains';

        $entry['mailbox'] = $userID;

        $entry['delete'] = 'FALSE';

        $entry['accountActive'] = 'TRUE';

        $entry['sn'] = '';

        $entry['userPassword'] = '104857600S';

        $entry['description'] = 'Vacation Description';

        $entry['vacationActive'] = 'FALSE';

        $entry['vacationStart'] = '01 january 2005';

        $entry['vacationEnd'] = '01 january 2005';

        $entry['vacationForward'] = 'user at limestonechat.com';

        $entry['editAccounts'] = 'FALSE';

        $entry['forwardActive'] = 'FALSE';

        $entry['lastChange'] = '1108499016';

        $entry['cn'] = '';

        $entry['quota'] = '52428800';

        $entry['amavisSpamKillLevel'] = '6.0';

        $entry['amavisSpamTag2Level'] = '5.5';

        $entry['amavisBypassVirusChecks'] = 'FALSE';

        $entry['amavisBypassSpamChecks'] = 'TRUE';


         // need to check for new users (password) and edited users (user_pass_2)

        if (isset($credentials) && isset($credentials['password'])) {

            $entry['userPassword'] =  '{MD5}' . base64_encode(mHash(MHASH_MD5, $credentials['password']));

        } else if (isset($credentials) && isset($credentials['user_pass_2'])) {

            $entry['userPassword'] =  '{MD5}' . base64_encode(mHash(MHASH_MD5, $credentials['user_pass_2']));




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