[horde] Re: horde CVS and lib/Horde

LALOT Dominique lalot at univ-aix.fr
Tue Mar 29 23:19:49 PST 2005

That's may be my last post on that subject.

The last question:
As everything stay in a separate directory, it is possible to manage 
several version on the same server.
using install-packages.php, some parts go under pear and are shared.
I'm rather worried by the mix of several versions now.

I also supposed that native CVS sync is broken. We have now to look at 
framework updates, and then execute install-packages.php

Am I right?.



Vilius Šumskas a écrit :

>cvs co -r HEAD horde
>cd horde
>cvs co -r HEAD framework
>cd framework
>php -q install-packages.php
>And don't search for framework in /horde/lib/Horde. It is installed in your
>PEAR's include path (/usr/share/pear on my system).
>  Vilius

Dominique LALOT 
Ingénieur Système Réseau CISCAM Pole Réseau
Université de la Méditerranée http://annuaire.univ-mrs.fr/showuser.php?uid=lalot

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