[horde] Re: Horde3/IMP4/Turba2 rpms
for (e-smith/mitel/contribs.org)SME Server 7
Greg Swallow
gregswallow at skynetonline.ca
Sat Apr 2 08:08:47 PST 2005
Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting Greg Swallow - SkyNet <gregswallow at skynetonline.ca>:
> > It is a very cool linux distribution IMO. Check it out :-) The alpha
> > version 7 is now based on Centos-3.4 (RHEL3). It includes by default
> > Horde2/IMP3/Turba1.2 and basically it come pre-set up - configuration
> > files are templated. The rpms I made upgrade it to Horde3/IMP4/Turba2.
> > They probably will be included in the final version of SME7. Everything
> > is still in the Alpha stages, so I'm just putting the word out, maybe
> > some of you developers would like to check it out. Help is always
> > appreciated. The files I made are here:
> > http://www.contribs.org/contribs/gswallow/SME7-Centos3.4/
> Cool! I have to say I've never really gotten in to packaging for web
> apps, but I'd like to support the people who do it if possible. What
> kind of modifications go into this, or is it basically the .spec files?
> If so, we could add the .specs to CVS; we have some old redhat spec
> files in the packaging/ directories.
We need to make rpms so it can be included in the distribution :-)
I didn't modify the tarballs at all. The spec files (which are in my SPECS
directory) for horde, imp and turba are specific to SME, but there were not
many changes needed to the spec files (just a couple new directories) - I
think they are quite similar to the ones in your horde2 rpms for redhat 7.3.
There are Horde3 rpms out there for PLD Linux I found, and Mandrake as well,
if I remember correctly.
SME is rather unique, it uses templates to generate config files, like
httpd.conf, php.ini, and the horde conf.php, etc. The rpm e-smith-horde for
example contains the templates to create a conf.php file for horde that
works with SME's default configuration, sets up to run the mysql database
upgrade script, and adds a section to httpd.conf to secure the directories.
This is not new, it has always done this, I just made a few changes for
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