[horde] Re: Fwd: [core] Refresh Question

John H. Bennett III bennettj at thebennetthome.com
Thu Apr 7 20:12:24 PDT 2005

>>Quoting "John H. Bennett III" <bennettj at thebennetthome.com>:

>> I too am still having this issue.  My Horde Options::Other 
>> Information::Display Options are set to Refresh Dynamic Menu Elements 
>> every 5 minutes.  But, the sidebar never refreshes.  I have tested 
>> this with IE 6 and Firefox on my home pc and my work pc.  I am using 
>> horde 3.0.4.  This was an upgrade from 2.x. I too would appreciate 
>> any other ideas to check this.

>Is the imp_tree_folders block in registry.php uncommented? Have you 
>checked Firefox's javascript console for errors?


This is what is in registry.php

$this->applications['imp-folders'] = array(
    'status' => 'block',
    'app' => 'imp',
    'blockname' => 'tree_folders',
    'menu_parent' => 'imp',

And no haven't checked the javascript console as of yet.

Thanks again,


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